I am blushing to be honest here........but I had such a nice surprise yesterday ..and I want to share it with you!
Gabriela Delworth has honored me with the Arte y Pico Award!
Gabriela Delworth has honored me with the Arte y Pico Award!
I am flattered beyond words that she thinks that much of my jewelry! How thoughtful! Thank you Gabriela so very much! Sparkles to you my friend!!
So here is a bit of history on this award.............The Arte y Pico Award was created by Ana, a very talented artist from Uruguay. Visit her blog and admire her work.
Here's the deal:
When you receive it, you need to pass it to other five bloggers who in your opinion: contribute with the blogging community, provide interesting designs and creativity.
I am passing the Arte y Pico Award to:
1-Deb from "Hummadeedledee & Retreat", an amazing designing lady & dear friend who is such the inspiring design expert, fun blog and fantastic artist.... as well as creates just beautiful things. She is such fun! Visit my dear friend!
2-Tracey from "A Cottage Industry", a very talented artist who always has beautiful creations. I love her blog, designs and her cupcakes well...they are just the icing on the cake! Definitely check her out, you'll be glad that you did!
3- Amy from "Inspire Company", an artist, blogger, and inspired friend who always surprises with her own inventive creations as well as I love her magazine where she features other fabulous artists. Visit her if haven't already!
4-Tammy from "Tammy Gilley" a such an amazing fabric artist, who make such beautiful pieces. Her work is colorful, happy, definitely inspired and inspiring! Visit Miss Tammy!
5-Jerusalem from "Storia di Vita", an artist who makes the most amazing banners & so much more. Visit her & her beautiful world!
Sparkles to all of these fabulous artists!!